Into Your Head Show 806: Blood in your Head of Guinness (1/14/24)

Published: Feb. 7, 2024, 6:49 p.m.

\\n1:06:35\\xa0– Neal discusses a problem he has in common with Beatle Paul McCartney, a surgeon and a tree surgeon comparing notes, truly hollow fruits, the body as a trickle down economy, doctors berating the comatose, the very worst thing to take on a plane, manicure and footwear logistics for upright cats, cranberry sauce nuts, outsourcing your bedtime thoughts, the face as a fake shopfront facade, dropkick me Jesus through the goalposts of life, toothbrushing on TV, \\u201ccoming right up\\u201d as a catchprhase, child avoidance for cats, Edward Scissorpaws, toothbrushing in the military, that movie with the Dude (1998), blood in the heads of Guiness, tackling the roof of your mouth, belching as a by-product, the argument against sleeping, Judge Judy tries to help, defining a field, scaring your child with wooden houses, redesigning the toothbrush, the argument for timber skycrapers, two places where coffee is inappropriate, a flying bucket, Fortycoats (RTE TV), body parts as co-workers and more.
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\\nLicense: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International \\u2013 It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: \\u201cNeal O\\u2019Carroll via & Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.\\u201d