Into Your Head Show 799: High Praise from a Giraffe (11/25/23)

Published: Dec. 14, 2023, 12:58 p.m.

\\n54:37\\xa0– Neal discusses the imaginary listener\\u2019s secret existential crisis, approximating the taste of grass for the discerning diner, a new way to measure your height, whether crosswords count as relaxation, changing atitudes to chimneys, what\\u2019s under your face, the first humans ever to see a bridge, canal tow-path horse height issues, harmonica design mysteries, Lovely Daaaaaaaaaay versus a barking barman, canal tow path issues, demons in undergound systems, a horse\\u2019s head versus a railway bridge, impressing a giraffe with our bar licensing system, how giraffes pat you on the head, Lovely Daaaaaaaaaay versus a barking barman, what happens when two \\u201cTwo cats walk into a bar\\u201d stories walk into a bar and more.
\\nLicense for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International with attribution \\u201cNeal from Ireland /\\u201d