Into Your Head Show 795: A Weekend in Jail (11/3/23)

Published: Nov. 6, 2023, 1:20 p.m.

\\n37:54\\xa0– Neal deals with\\xa0how head transplants do or don\\u2019t work,\\xa0cinematography of Pope John Paul II and Oscar Schindler, how donkeys are processed hygenically, the problem with Steve Jobs RIP, a cat purchasing fake magic in a laundrette, elephants in a library, the problem with the human digestive system, surviving a long weekend in prison, what to do after you\\u2019ve made lemons into lemonde, talking microbes with guns (fictional), what Bob Geldof was right about, a synopsis of Better Caul Saul, awards versus nominations,\\xa0and more.\\xa0
\\nLicense for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International with attribution \\u201cNeal from Ireland /\\u201d