Top 3 Excuses That Cripple The Average Investor Returns When Trading Options

Published: May 26, 2015, 6 a.m.

It's no secret that the long-term average investor returns are pretty low. In most cases, the little guy rarely beats the market and for good reason.

Frankly we are horrible stock pickers though we consistently try to find hidden value in playing directionally. Long-term this always underperforms an efficient market and the market standard portfolio (i.e. the S&P 500 Index).

So what do we do about this? How do we change our mindset given the glaring stats that the media pushes in our faces daily.

I believe the first step is to recognize the 3 biggest excuses that average investors have. Rarely spoken these excuses typically manifest in the subconscious part of the brain.

My goal on this podcast is to bring out these excuses, shine light on them and help you move past them so you can become even more successful as an options trader.