The Opensource Report 10 September 2014

Published: Sept. 10, 2014, 11:30 a.m.

b'We cover the news in the Open Source Movement in software and hardware development for the good of the humanity.The people and ideas that make this Movement great.

Cubrimos las noticias en el Movimiento de C\\xf3digo Abierto en el desarrollo de software y hardware para el bien del pueblo humanity.The e ideas que hacen de este gran movimiento.

Cable companies want to slow down (and break!) your favorite sites, for profit. To fight back, let\'s cover the web with symbolic "loading" icons, to remind everyone what an Internet without net neutrality would look like, and drive record numbers of emails and calls to lawmakers.

On September 10th, sites across the web will display an alert with a symbolic "loading" symbol (the proverbial \\u201cspinning wheel of death\\u201d) and promote a call to action for users to push comments to the FCC, Congress, and the White House.'