The Open Source Report 03 August 2015

Published: Aug. 3, 2015, 10:30 a.m.

b'We cover the news in the Open Source Movement in software and hardware development for the good of the humanity.The people and ideas that make this Movement great.

Cubrimos las noticias en el Movimiento de C\\xf3digo Abierto en el desarrollo de software y hardware para el bien del pueblo humanity.The e ideas que hacen de este gran movimiento.

he Free Software Foundation urges everyone to reject Windows 10 and join us in the world of free software. Like all proprietary software, Windows 10 puts those that use it under the thumb of its owner. Free software like the GNU/Linux operating system treats users as equals and gives them control over their digital lives.

One of the more controversial features of Microsoft\'s new Windows 10 operating system, which recently began its official phased roll out, is the inclusion of Wi-Fi Sense. Previously an obscure feature of Windows Phone, it sends Wi-Fi passwords in encrypted form to all of your contacts, automatically, without asking you, unless you opt out.

Today, we\'re excited to announce a new initiative, a collaboration between the Library Freedom Project and Tor Project

