#69 Ultra Runner, Mark Cliggett, Pt. 1, Interview

Published: Dec. 29, 2016, 8:56 p.m.

Ultra Runner, Mark Cliggett, Pt. 1, Interview

Fitness Friday, Interview Series

Part 1, of 2. In this, first of 2 parts interview, we sit down with Mark Cliggett as he talks about what UltraRunning is, and isn’t. For one thing, in the sport of Ultra Running, cutting corners doesn’t produce results, and while “results,” per se, are not always the goal, anything less than full commitment and devotion, really, to this sport, can lead to injury and, well, worse. 

This is no exaggeration. 

And, Mark Cliggett will tell us all about his training regimen, the rigor, why he competes, what we in The Not Old Better audience can do to sort through some of the decisions to be made before taking on something like this sport, including volunteering and where to do it. 

Mark’s excellent blog, pointlenana.wordpress.com which we’ll link to from The Not Old Better post is a very detailed “journal” of events,  Mark’s thoughts and planning, including some beautiful video and photography, which, courtesy of photographer, Scott Rokis, we’ll also add to the site.

Join me, live via SKYPE, in welcoming to The Not Old Better Show, Mark Cliggett. Enjoy.