#346 RICHARD NIXON - An Inevitable Fall - Author John Farrell

Published: April 26, 2019, 6:21 p.m.

RICHARD NIXON - An Inevitable Fall - Author John Farrell

The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series

Welcome to The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series, I’m Paul Vogelzang and this is episode #346.  As part of our Smithsonian Associates series, we are joined today by author, John Farrell.

John Farrell will be appearing at the Smithsonian Associates, May 8, 2019, and his presentation is entitled, “Richard Nixon: An Inevitable Fall.”  John Farrell’s new book, "Richard Nixon: The Life" is a biography of our most controversial president.  John Farrell, the book Richard Nixon The Life was a Finalist, Pulitzer Prize in Biography, 2018.

Was Richard Nixon an idealistic dreamer seeking to build a better world? Arguably yes, in his early years in politics—but then things changed. Our guest today, author, biographer John Farrell discusses with us Nixon’s personal and political journey from naval lieutenant to the disgraced president, telling a story of Nixon, who was a very complicated, intelligent man.

You can see John Farrell at the Smithsonian Associates program, presenting: Richard Nixon, An Inevitable Fall, May 8, 2019.
Please join me in welcoming to The Not Old Better Show, via internet phone, author biographer, John Farrell. For tickets and more details, please go to https://smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/tickets/richard-nixon-inevitable-fall
For more information about The Not Old Better Show, go to https://notold-better.com

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