Nights at the Round Table Episode 8: [INSERT LENS FLARE JOKE HERE]

Published: Jan. 26, 2013, 2:52 p.m.


Ash, Sol, and Nick are joined via the internet by Avalon to discuss the weeks big news items including a director being attached to an obscure film series that some Mickey Mouse Organisation is trying to resurrect. We also hear from The Pharos Project and discuss expensive film cars, sci-fi conventions and the usual mixture of toot and off topic rambling.


News Items covered:


J.J. Abrams to Direct Episode VII:


Batmobile sells for $4.2 million:


Nine Worlds Convention:


Nights at the Round Table can be found on the web ( or via Twitter (@natrtpodcast), Facebook (, e-mail ( or leave a voicemail for us on our UK number: 020 3290 2666


Follow the hosts:
Sol is @Solace_Aderyn
Ash is @RavenEvermore
Avalon is @Tephramancy
Nick is @BYKingswood, and is on a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist...
