#166: Anne Currie of Container Solutions Talks Ethics

Published: Aug. 16, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Anne Currie Chief Strategist, Container Solutions, has been thinking about some of the deeper questions the software industry poses. These questions aren't just about interconnected systems, and the repercussions of everyone having access to the Internet. Rather, they're about the moral and ethical obligations faced by software developers. Are developers responsible for the things done with their software? In a recent StackOverflow survey, most developers said "No." "My job is to go out and talk to a load of people about what they're doing. I go out and talk to a lot of industry, enterprise folks, building thigns, finding out what's happening. What's become clear is that over the past couple of years we have enormously increased the speed with which we can get products to market and ideas to market by three orders of magnitude. It's actually quite astonishing. When people start to use the new DevOps technologies and cloud all together, and CI/CD, and everything that's coming through at the moment in DevOps, they're aim is to get ideas from basically developers typing into a keyboard out to customers incredibly fast. It's more like fifteen minutes as opposed to six months. Three years ago it was six months. Now it's fifteen minutes if you're really advanced with using DevOps technology, which, eventually, all of us will be," said Currie.