NHC: August 28, 2016 - Revenge of the Sith Retrospective

Published: Aug. 28, 2016, 8 p.m.

Salutations, fellow Herders! On this episode, the Council discusses the final film of the George Lucas era: Revenge of the Sith. Is it a paint-by-numbers conclusion to the prequel era, or is it something more inspired? Jon, as usual, defends its virtues, while AJ isn't so sure - and Steve, well... Steve can't make up his mind.

What do you think?? Is it the greatest of the prequels, or the easiest, or both? Tweet at us (@nhcpodcast) or call us (440-987-WARS) and let us know!

The OMFG trailer for The Empire Strikes Back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96v4XraJEPI