Anime Detour 2016: Rise of the Mecha

Published: April 29, 2016, 2:37 a.m.


Your biggest question coming from the title is: Does the mecha\\nin fact rise? Well I can tell you for certain this show does not\\nanswer that question. What I can answer is what exactly I did last\\nweekend at this year's Anime Detour. If you want an explanation\\nlook no further than the beginning, if you've wanted to go to an\\nanime convention look no further this is a great way to hear what\\nexactly goes on from one anime fan's view. I talk about the panels\\nI went to, things I purchased, random crap that I randomly think\\'s just a fun little recording in between. Enjoy the\\nshow!


Opening and Closing Song: In the End/All-Star by Linkin\\nPark/Smash Mouth
