The High Level Narcissist's Destructive Cycle of Deceit

Published: Jan. 13, 2021, 11:59 p.m.

Narcissists crowd our world today. They are our spouses, ex-spouses, relatives, bosses, co-workers, spiritual mentors, friends. our society rewards high level narcissists handsomely with praise, adulation, celebrity, wealth, social status. The narcissist's raison d'etre is winning. As long as he/she achieves his goals, nothing else matters. Personal problems, even those of close family members, are too messy and time consuming. Individuals with this personality disorder are ethically and morally challenged. 

Narcissists weave grand visions of success that are designed to lead them to stashes of wealth, power, prestige and control. Winning electrifies the narcissist; it is the engine, the fire that keeps him going. They hire bright talented people to implement their ideas. They take advantage of their assistants by underpaying them and overpromising while they carefully maintain their elite lifestyles.

Above all, the high level narcissist is deceptive in all of his relationships and transactions. 

Some narcissistic dreams go astray. The high level narcissist takes the blame off of himself and onto his "underlines." 

Protect yourself from becoming enmeshed in the narcissist's destructive web. Learn to identify the high level narcissist in your personal and professional life. Steer clear of them if you can. Assert your grounded individuality and strong sense of self. Appreciate who you are. Get the sleep and rest that you deserve; movement and exercise; nourishing food and good hydration, a spiritual practice how you define this, experience of beauty and nature.