Stop Feeling Ashamed of Your OCD

Published: Jan. 14, 2020, 4:56 a.m.

In a society where the externals are venerated those who have anxiety problems are often scrutinized, judged and considered strange.

OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessive repetitive intrusive thoughts and images that cause severe anxiety accompanied by compulsions or rituals that are repeated over and over again. OCD often has its origins in childhood trauma.

If a person is disdainful about your obsessive compulsive behavior that tells us a lot about their lack of empathy. Be careful about sharing your OCD with others who will not understand. 

Here are some of the ways that you can work with the OCD. First, your attitude: self compassion, reaching out to the small child inside of you. There is not shame or embarrassment connected with your OCD. This is a condition that was imposed on you as a child.

Movement and exercise, sleep and rest, good nutrition, experiencing beauty in Nature, unedited writing, listening to beautiful music.