Special Messages to Heal and Empower Empaths

Published: May 12, 2020, 5:13 a.m.

Empaths are unique, extraordinary individuals. They are highly intuitive and creative. They have a deep sensitivity and knowing about human nature. Empaths are always misunderstood. 

It is essential that empaths make their well being the priority. 

These are some of the practices that can be helpful, supportive, comforting and empowering, especially at this tim. 

Listening to audio books sens you on a journey. You travel with the narrator, following the unfolding of the story, become acquainted with the characters, dealing with the conflicts, mysteries of the novel. 

Create a simple daily routine. Eating nourishing food, hydrate well. Rest during the day when you can. This puts you in the parasympathetic zone - restoratiave and healing. 

Practice beauty, glorious colors of fruits in a bowl are so beautiful. Go outside and enjoy the wild flowers that are blooming in wonderful profusion, so many textures and variety of colors. Birds are singing their songs each day. 

Listen to podcasts that are informative, resassuring, supportive and validating. 

Pursue your creativity: sketch, doodle, write, paint, use clay, collage, bake, cook, garden, sew, crochet, nit. Be unjudgmental and free, let the creative flow take over. Have fun with it!

So simple yoga poses: Child's Pose, Legs Up the Wall. 

You are an incredible individual, a precious empath!