Release Yourself from Shame of Your Narcissistic Family

Published: Dec. 10, 2019, 4:50 a.m.


Shame is an unbearable psychological and physiological  experience. We re so embarrassed, it is intolerable.

Children with narcissistic parents are often shamed from the time they were very little, even toddlers. They are shunned, neglected, maligned, disgraced and screamed at and tole that they are ugly, worthless, weak, stupid--every name that is calculated to evoke extreme psychological stress and trauma.

Many adult children still hear the annihilative voice of the narcissistic parent, the internal voice that makes them feel guilty and ashamed. This is etched into their psyches, diminishing a strong sense of a core authentic self. 

You were not born of shame. You were born to be spontaneous, emotionally open, expressive, creative, capable of joy and ease, warmth and freedom. 

You can and will separate and individuate out of your ignominious narcissistic family.

Practice self care basics: Sleep and rest, nourishing food, movement and exercise, activate your creativity.