Parasympathetic Routines - Boosting Your Psychological Stamina

Published: March 16, 2021, 9:41 p.m.

The parasympathetic mode is that part of the nervous system that causes us to become calm, relaxed, digest, rest, restore, increase creativity, go deeper spiritually. 

The parasympathetic rescues us from what Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk, psychiatrist and  researcher, foremost authority defines trauma as a gut wrenching, unbearable body mind sensation experience that is unrelenting. Trauma feels ongoing and unending.  It is very difficult for those who have not experienced psychological trauma to understand and appreciate its ever-present quality. 

Quotes from my book Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist:

"Everyone is entitled to rest, solitude and reverie...Whatever happened to down time? Some of the most creative and productive human beings spend segments of their days in a quiet, calm, unstructured environment. One of the best venues for down time is being with Nature..." 

We are human animals. Watching animals we recognize how often they rest. They spent much of their time resting throughout the day. Resting helps us in the sleep process. In resting we practice letting down, allowing ourselves to just be, without demands, criticisms, instructions, judgments.

Spend time with Nature - It is so restorative to you.