Narcissists - Using Lies to Invent Their Truth

Published: March 29, 2020, 11:42 p.m.

Narcissists are compulsive liars; they can't help themselves. Narcissists spend their lives in a state of delusion, a world of their making. Narcissits reach their goals through overt and covert lying. Narcissists have no compunctions about lying to everyone. They have clever concocted stories for each person in their inner circle and for the wrold at large. 

They lie to their spouses all of the time and to their children. They are very keen at inventing "truths", intricate stories out of whole cloth. 

We live in a highly narcissistic age where these people are running most of the show. 

Study the narcissistic personality and pay close attention to your insights. Honor your wisdom and intuitions.