High Level Narcissist's Worshipful Circle

Published: Aug. 14, 2020, 1:03 a.m.

Quote from my book: Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life: The narcissist draws a magical golden circle around himself/herself. He convinces his followers that this space is a secret garden or hidden glen. Rules and restrictions that operate in the rest of the world don't apply to those inside this chosen enclave...Those who sit at the feet of the narcissist make him the focus of their lives. He/she is center and source, their raison d'etre. The narcissist carefully selects those who will furnish him with a consistent flow of veneration, praise and service...An astute operator, he understands the ego needs of his followers."

Followers are mesmerized by the high level narcissist's capacity to get and keep whatever he wants. Some fuse with the high level narcissist psychologically and emotionally. His identity is their identity.

Those who remain with the high level narcissist have squandered their opportunities for embracing their individuality. They are at the mercy of the dark exploitive shadow of the high level. When the high level can no longer obtain narcissistic supplies from them, the follower will be replace by someone more useful and valuable to them. At some point you become aware of the true nature of the high level. 

This is a time of awakening and the beginnings of the fulfillment of your true, authentic, creative original self.


