High Level Narcissists - Clever at Re-inventing Their False Selves

Published: March 5, 2021, 5:23 a.m.

The high level narcissist is a gifted conjurer - creating a series of false selves that are believable to those who become involved with him/her. Like a great method actor is a schemer. 

The high level narcissist develops a series of false selves that are charming, charismatic, engaging, designed to attract others to him and from whom he acquires narcissistic supplies that inflate his/her ego. 

The high level narcissist fools most people - that's how clever and cunning they are. 

At some point you awaken to the true nature of the high level narcissist. Realize that you were participating in a false disingenuous non relationship. 

You are no longer on the receiving end of the high level's clever disguises and ruthless psychological machinations. 

You are taking a stand for your original creative self. You listen closely to the wisdom inside, the core of truth that defines your identity.