High Level Narcissistic Lotus Eaters - Obsessively Seeking Pleasure

Published: Sept. 30, 2019, 4:36 a.m.

Watching high level narcissists, notice how they are geared toward seeking constant pleasure--buying, spending large sums on every variety of possession--cars, clothing, travel, social gatherings, feasts, fetes. These individual are caught up in their exclusive swirl of social gatherings among other anointed high level narcissists. 

Contrarily, they cause tremendous psychological pain to those who are involved with them: spouses, ex-spouses, children, other family members.

If you are partnered with a high level narcissist it is a matter of time when you will be subjected to their vile cruelties.  

High level narcissists remain in lotus land for the full run.

Actually, the narcissistic personality is psychologically regressed at age two or younger. This is when the developmental arrest took place according to renowned clinician and researcher, Dr. James Masterson.

You recognize that your partnerships with a high level narcissist has sent you off course, away from the direction of your center, your true original self. 

With your insights, intuitions and creative gifts you are moving forward to home base, the pathway of the parasympathetic, recovery, transformation and creativity. This is where you belong. 


