Healing in the Parasympathetic Zone

Published: April 3, 2020, 3:13 a.m.

Quoting from my current book: Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist:

"In the parasympathetic some individuals hear words of healing insight. Others see an array of colors. The parasympathetic state is unique to each individual."

"An innovative way to immerse yourself in the parasympathetic nervous system is to create Blue Zone Islands within your living space. Using variations of the color blue in your space activates a calming and soothing response inside of you. 

Blue in its limitless varieties surrounds us with exquisite healing beauty. 

"Let yourself flow with the colors of blue that touch you deeply and evoke feelings and sensations of peace and wonder. Surround yourself with collections of colored stones, shells, glass beads, woven fabrics, tapestries, objects that have meaning to you alone and put them in special places in your place---on tables, in the kitchen, bathroom, window sills---anywhere you can pause for beauty and calming."


