Exploitive Narcissistic Partners - How to Deal with Them

Published: Dec. 15, 2019, 11:17 p.m.

"Exploit" comes from the middle English. Exploit means to use someone or something selfishly or for profit. 

As a partner of a narcissistic partner you are constantly embattled in a state of fight or flight, sympathetic mode. You are anxious, worried, exhausted all the time - in oxidative stress. The narcissist thrives off of controlling others.

Narcissists are takers not givers. They take because they are psychologically empty inside and have no conscience.

They use partners to fill themselves up, over and over again- until they have worn you down. If they succeed they will replace you with someone else. They discard those who are no longer of any value to them and cannot keep their egos fully inflated. 

They exploit your fine image and character, steal your creative ideas, even special projects that you treasure and are of excellent quality.

Become keenly aware of the narcissist's true nature. Remind yourself of who you are. You are not the narcissist's servant; it is not your role to make this person look good or continue to be psychologically abused by him/her. 

Recognize and appreciate your authentic self. Become keenly entitled to your unique value, your creative gifts, deep inner peace. 

I say: "There is a river that moves inside of you---beautiful, clear, powerful!"


