Empaths - Stop Returning to Narcissistic Spouses

Published: Aug. 13, 2019, 12:25 a.m.

Empaths re extraordinary individuals with many psychological and spiritual gifts. They possess unique qualities of sensitivity, perception and intuition. 

Most people don't understand empaths and find them to be overly reaction and emotional to others and their environments. 

I am in frequent contact with empaths and find them to be courageous, kind, intuitive, engaging, arm and highly discerning.

Those married to narcissistic spouses have a particularly painful time. A pattern of behavior with them involves returning to the demands, humiliation, betrayals and vituperative projections of narcissists. 

Empaths who have experienced childhood trauma suffer horribly under the reign of terror of the narcissistic spouse. 

As you move along a pathway of self-discovery you begin to appreciate your incredible gifts of knowing: intuition, discernment, connection with you deep unconscious. An essential step is acknowledging that you can no longer share a non-marriage to a person who is disingenuous, cruel, psychologically regressed, lying false self, incapable  of authenticity or integrity. 

Empaths must give themselves special gifts of quiet, solitude, silence, predictability, rest, sleep, good food, beautiful music, a spiritual practice that you create, your form of exercise, Nature. 

Spend as much time as possible in the calming, restorative, creative part of your body/mind systems. 



