Empaths Recovering Through Your Creativity

Published: Aug. 21, 2019, 3:58 a.m.

When we are actively creative we move into the world of the imagination, intuition, spontaneity. This is your journey.

Creativity takes as many forms as there are individuals: unedited writing, journaling, dreams, reveries, time in Nature, drawing, sketching, painting, singing, dancing, yoga, gardening

Essential to the empath is silence, solitude, quiet. 

Listening to your special music takes you to states of calm, restoration - at one with what is beautiful as you go inside the music and discovering new thoughts that are inspirational and transformative. 

Discovering and integrating beauty in its many forms pus you in the parasympathetic mode, the source of evolution and inspiration. You are immersed in the beautiful, finding new forms of thought. 

Quote on Beauty by Irish poet John O'Donohue:

"When we awaken to the call of beauty we become aware of new ways of geing in the world. We were created to the creators."