Covert Narcissists - Vipers in Disguise

Published: Dec. 3, 2019, 4:35 a.m.

Covert narcissists can be verbally adept. The have been rehearsing their lines since childhood.

Convert narcissists are control obsessed. They are masterful at the art of conversation, especially if their motivation is to win you over to become their narcissistic supply. Psychologically empty inside, coverts parasitically feed off of others. 

The covert narcissist puts you off guard with his/her easy charm, pseudo empathy and fixed focus on you. Unguarded, you fall for these individuals. This is not your fault. Coverts fool everyone one way or another. 

Regardless of their charm, their golden words and the favors they do for you, remember they are narcissists: cold, calculating, ruthless, completely lacking empathy, deceptive, clever liars, highly secretive, exploitive, enraged. 

Keep yourself distanced from them. 

Focus on yourself first. Practice self appreciation and self care. 

Remember the basics: sleep, rest, beauty, meditation, prayer, yoga, creativity - do everything your way.