Brazen, Boorish, Blaming Narcissistic Spouse

Published: Feb. 16, 2020, 5:28 a.m.

Married to a narcissistic personality you are constantly questioning the truth of your perceptions.

The narcissist, a master manipulator, takes control of your relationship with him/her. This person is always "playing you." 

Coming across a prospective partner who is fascinated with you is irresistible. You feel pulled into the narcissist's orbit. 

Time passes and the mask of the narcissistic partner slips: you are on the receiving end of the narcissist's true self: brazen, boorish, blaming. 

Sharing your days with a narcissistic partner you are continually in a state of siege, the fight or flight mode. 

You study the true nature of the narcissistic personality. The puzzle pieces are coalescing. You have clear insight; your priorities are shifting to where they belong: the care and evolution of your authentic self, the renewal of honoring yourself as a valuable unique individual