The Mojo Radio Show - EP 57 - Creating and Maximising Your Mobile Media Strategy - A Double Shot Monday

Published: Nov. 15, 2015, 1 p.m.

b'Just for something\\xa0different we have two\\xa0guests this week and both guests are chatting\\xa0about a topic on every\\xa0business marketers mind\\ marketing and\\xa0technology and how we can take\\xa0advantage of social, apps, and the latest trends to benefit us and our\\xa0businesses? Our guests are firstly mobile marketing expert\\xa0Kylie Smiley, and then we\\u2019ll chat with Brandon Cowan about apps and the digital world. You may actually know Brandon, he\\xa0was on the last Beauty and the Geek TV\\xa0series on Ch7. We deep dive into mobile marketing, how it works, what we can do to get better at it and some new social media platforms worth understanding. How do we maximise what we do online?
Here\\u2019s what we discuss in this week\\u2019s show:
Kylie Smiley

What does Kylie do and who does her business do it for?
Is mobile marketing a necessity in our marketing plans and budgets?
Will Google penalise you for not being mobile ready?
What is mobile marketing?
The stats on mobile usage
How are people speaking with their phones and making a decision on ads and brands?
What\\u2019s Periscope?
What Social channels should we be using?
A mobile marketing case study

Brandon Cowan

Brandon\\u2019s background in App development
What creates success with Apps?
Secrets of successful App marketing
Brandon\\u2019s interest in pet rescue & fostering pets
