TMHS 557: Increase Your Life Force: The Surprising Science Of Stem Cells & Boosting Your Healthspan - With Tony Robbins

Published: Feb. 16, 2022, 1 a.m.


Changing our broken health paradigm begins with us. We have to decide to break down the old paradigm of trading symptoms for side effects and instead start creating a system built on prevention, vibrancy, and personal advocacy. Our healthcare system is amidst a dramatic change, and today we\\u2019re going to discuss the role that precision medicine and personalized nutrition can play in transforming the health of our society.\\xa0

Our guest today is the one and only, Tony Robbins. Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, #1 New York Times bestselling author, dynamic business strategist, powerful motivational speaker, and impactful philanthropist. In his new book, Life Force, you\\u2019ll learn how innovative breakthroughs in precision medicine can improve our health and overall quality of life. Whether you have a chronic illness or simply want to gain strength and resilience, this book is for you.\\xa0

In this interview, Tony is sharing his inspiration for writing Life Force, his personal experience with stem cell therapy, and important and timely insights on taking control of your health. You\\u2019ll learn about exciting new developments in the realm of medical advances, and how you can be the ultimate authority over the future of your health and wellness. Enjoy! \\xa0

In this episode you\\u2019ll discover:

  • The problem with treating symptoms instead of uncovering the root cause.
  • What the future of medicine looks like.\\xa0
  • The first thing that makes a difference in our quality of life.
  • What inspired Tony to write Life Force.
  • The connection between our quality of life and our quality of relationships.
  • Two major things Tony discovered when he interviewed 50 financial experts.
  • Tony\\u2019s experience with stem cell therapy.\\xa0
  • How technology is informing the future of medical interventions.\\xa0
  • Why it\\u2019s important to think of your doctor as a coach, but not a commander.
  • The power of taking control of your mind.
  • How the epigenome works.
  • Why your DNA is not your destiny.\\xa0
  • The future of medical advances, and why we\\u2019re in a medical renaissance.\\xa0
  • What MIB-626 is.\\xa0
  • Why right now is a time for transformation.\\xa0
  • Different types of stem cells and how they work.
  • Why personalized nutrition and precision medicine are the future.\\xa0

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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