TMHS 219: Combat Cancer, Heal Your Metabolism, And Use Fat For Fuel - With Dr. Joseph Mercola

Published: May 10, 2017, 2 a.m.


It may sound strange to hear, but cancer actually has a purpose in the human body. And there are many theories on the origins and role of cancer. Theories related to fungus overgrowth, to oxygenation, to immune function, and many others. Researchers have been furiously searching to find the cure for cancer for decades, but not coming to grips with\\xa0what\\xa0cancer really is and where it all begins.

Understanding the role that cancer actually plays, and what the body is doing when it sparks the life of cancer cells is vital to overcoming this epidemic. If we search deep enough, like we are finally able to do today, we see that cancer is actually tied intimately to one of the fundamental processes that give you life, and that\\u2019s the process of making\\xa0energy.

The remarkable New York Times bestselling author Dr. Joseph Mercola is on the show today to share with you how the causes of cancer are related to your metabolism. You\\u2019ll learn how these microscopic energy power plants in your cells called\\xa0mitochondria\\xa0are the key to healing your metabolism, reversing and preventing cancer, and helping you to live a long, healthy life. Dr. Mercola is one of my go-to resources for health information, and I\\u2019m truly excited to have him on the show to share this with you today!

In this episode you\'ll discover:

  • What simple principle inspired Dr. Mercola to shift his focus to more natural medicine.
  • Why reversing cancer begins with healing the\\xa0metabolism.
  • How much of your\\xa0bodyweight\\xa0is actually mitochondria.
  • The important role that mitochondria play in\\xa0eliminating cancer cells.
  • How much of your body\\u2019s energy is stored in the form of fat.
  • Why a\\xa0ketogenic diet\\xa0is incredibly beneficial for healing the metabolism.
  • What the potential pitfall can be from using a ketogenic diet long-term.
  • How Dr. Mercola recommends cycling your carbohydrate intake each week.
  • The common\\xa0protein mistake\\xa0that people make on a ketogenic diet.
  • How hepatic gluconeogenesis keeps your blood sugar low even after a high-carb meal.
  • Why the advocacy against eating fat was correct (and where it went wrong).
  • Whether or not\\xa0flaxseeds and flaxseed oil\\xa0are good for you (critical to know!).
  • Why it\\u2019s important to cycle your foods and supplements.
  • Which\\xa0popular mineral supplement\\xa0could be causing major health problems.
  • How to ensure that you\\u2019re optimizing your Vitamin D levels in a smart way.
  • The surprising impact that\\xa0cold thermogenesis\\xa0has on mitochondria.
  • Why getting your body grounded can help\\xa0reduce stress hormones and inflammation.
  • How exercise can powerfully impact your mitochondria and brain function.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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