TMHS 195: 7 Small Changes To Help You Burn More Fat This Year

Published: Jan. 4, 2017, 3:09 a.m.


Burning fat is an inside job. Your body has an innate intelligence that\\u2019s designed to burn more fat for fuel, or to store more fat for a rainy day. The most important realization you\'ll ever have is that this intelligence is all based on the programming you give it.

The good news is that there are several little known (yet incredibly powerful!) clinically proven ways to train your body to burn more fat. Today you\\u2019re going to learn how to utilize these valuable strategies to help shape your body and health for many years to come!

In this episode you\'ll discover:

  • What water-induced thermogenesis is and how it impacts weight loss.
  • How much water you need to drink for a\\xa0fat loss effect.
  • How\\xa0overeating and dehydration\\xa0are related
  • Tips to ensure that you\\u2019re drinking enough water each day.
  • Why sleep deprivation is one of the biggest causes of\\xa0overeating.
  • Which sleep-related hormone actually helps your body burn more fat.
  • Whether or not\\xa0moonlight\\xa0can negatively impact sleep.
  • Which form of exercise best enhances your\\xa0basal metabolic rate.
  • How cardio compares to resistance training for long-term fat loss.
  • Which\\xa0overlooked category of nutrients\\xa0are critical in upregulating fat loss.
  • How you can stress your way into gaining weight.
  • What specific\\xa0stress management practice\\xa0is proven to aid in weight loss.
  • How to activate a special kind of fat that actually BURNS fat!

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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