TMHS 158: 13 Rules Of Health That I Live By

Published: May 13, 2016, 5:04 p.m.


Paulo Coelho said, \\u201cDiscipline & freedom are not mutually exclusive but mutually dependent because otherwise, you\\u2019d sink into chaos.\\u201d

Strangely enough, rules and discipline actually give us far more freedom. The structure we create in our lives is the invisible guiding force that creates the opportunity to do more with the time we are given. Without structure, without rules, you are unknowingly at the mercy of\\xa0Captain Random.

You see,\\xa0Captain Random\\xa0is a super villain. Nothing pleases him more than to see you toil away wasting your time and not seeing the results you want in your life. When a seemingly random thing comes up and throws you off track, he\\u2019s twisting his evil handlebar mustache laughing joyfully. For you, the experience is falling off the wagon, taking a loss, or even giving up on your goals altogether. But the secret, unstoppable weapon against Captain Random is the power of\\xa0your rules.

When you have personal rules in place that guide your decisions, you\\u2019ve already got an automated response for the randomness that life may throw your way. For example, you\\u2019re on a mission to eat healthy food, and your coworker brings in a box of freshly made donuts (even a few with sprinkles on them\\u2026 and you know sprinkles are made by tiny tree elves who work for Captain Random), but because you have a rule in place about how you handle junk food, you easily pass with a simple, \\u201cNo, thank you.\\u201d

You don\\u2019t feel any deprivation or any restriction because YOU chose that rule. Someone else didn\\u2019t impose it on you. You also don\\u2019t feel the hit of a poor decision\\u2014the tinge of regret, the sour taste of folding so quickly, and the disappointment of being seduced by a sprinkle-faced donut that\\u2019s not even in your league. You\\u2019ve dated desserts way sexier than that in the past\\u2026 why did you let this\\xa0do-not\\xa0get to you?!

By having rules that govern your choices, you bypass this whole group of problems, and Captain Random is foiled again, running away with his tail between his legs. \\u201cI\\u2019ll get you next time!\\u201d he shouts. But he knows you\\u2019re unbeatable, and destined for great success.

Today you\\u2019re going to discover the 13 rules of health that I live by. You can take these rules on and apply them to your life, alter them to fit your own life and goals, or use them as inspiration to come up with your own.

Always remember the power of personal rules and use them as the guiding light to help you achieve the greatness you deserve.

In this episode you\'ll discover:

  • Why it\\u2019s critical to drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  • Why your\\xa0daily exercise regimen\\xa0should be adjusted to your goals.
  • How your nervous system can impact your ability to \\u201cmax out\\u201d.
  • How to\\xa0uncover a passion for exercise.
  • Why you MUST put yourself first when it comes to health.
  • What being a\\xa0lifetime student\\xa0means.
  • How to be more present with the people you love.
  • Why\\xa0delayed gratification\\xa0is an important option for a healthy lifestyle.
  • The real reason so many people aren\\u2019t seeing the results they want in the gym (social time vs. results time).
  • The #1 thing I attribute to my\\xa0transformation and success in life.
  • Why I make sure to get some time in nature on a regular basis.
  • What\\xa0sacred rules\\xa0I have around sleep.
  • What my biggest rules are for the food that I eat (this may surprise you!).

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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