TMHS 093: How To Stay Fit And Healthy For A Lifetime - With Rae Mohrmann

Published: March 10, 2015, 4 p.m.


At the age of 49 Rae was reminded of a goal she had set for herself many years earlier. Inching ever closer to her 50th birthday, the gap in accomplishing her goal seemed to be closing in fast, so she needed to take some action right away.

It was 19 years earlier that she was deeply impacted by a phenomenal woman that she had seen on the television screen. This woman motivated Rae to complete her first marathon. And this is where the story begins...

This episode is a powerful testament to what\'s possible no matter what age, background, or level you\'re at right now. You can achieve far more than you know.

Rae went on to accomplish some amazing feats including: completing the Boston Marathon, completing a marathon in each of the 50 states in the U.S., and a HUGE accomplishment that she\'s going to tell you about that puts her in a fraction of a percent of people to ever achieve this running goal. And she started all of this during the time that most people are looking forward to retirement.

Today you\'re going to learn the secrets that have helped Rae to maintain the levels of health and vitality that she has today. Not only does she train and compete herself, but she is a wonderful teacher that instructs fitness classes to help others to achieve their fitness goals as well.

If you\'re going to have (and keep) your health and vitality well into your senior years, then you need to learn from people who\'ve done it. This is a very special chance to learn from a very special woman. So, get ready, hit play, and soak up all you can from the incredible Rae Mohrman.

In this episode you\'ll discover:

  • How acceptance of your current life conditions can lead to breakthroughs in other areas.
  • What Title IX is and how it suppressed\\xa0women\'s health & fitness in our country.
  • What the word discipline really means (this is powerful!)
  • Why you always need to have flexibility and not limit your options to have true longevity.
  • Why your\\xa0attitude\\xa0is critical to your health and happiness long-term.
  • How Rae went\\xa0from not running for years to\\xa0running a marathon in all 50 states.
  • How marathon running (or any type of exercise you enjoy) can empower you to\\xa0overcome any obstacle you\'re faced with.
  • Why\\xa0shifting your perspective\\xa0from "limitations" to challenges can open up a new level of possibility for you.
  • Why setting goals is one of the most powerful\\xa0secrets of longevity.
  • Huge tips to\\xa0reduce your risk of injuries as you get older.
  • Why working smarter (not harder) is a key to remaining fit and healthy for a lifetime.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

*\\\\xa0<== Get your optimal health & performance supplements at 10% off!
*\\xa0Top 7 Longevity Tips with Peter Ragnar - Model Health Podcast
*\\xa0Go St. Louis Marathon\\xa0<-- If you want to meet Rae!

Thank you so much for checking out this episode of\\xa0The Model Health Show. If you haven\\u2019t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!

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