TMHS 089: 180 Pound Weight Loss And The Ketogenic Diet - With Jimmy Moore

Published: Feb. 11, 2015, 2:30 a.m.


It\'s pretty astonishing when you see the before and after picture of an individual who\'s had the resolve to lose 80, 90, or even 100+ pounds.

It\'s truly an act that puts them in a fraction of a fraction of the population who\'s been able to accomplish a feat like that.

If they accomplished this naturally (without the use of drugs and surgery), you will often find that these individuals carry a secret that many people never hear about.

Sure, they\'ve "worked off" a lot of pounds by the decisions they\'ve made in the kitchen and in the gym, but there was something more profound at work.

If you were able to talk with them before and after the weight loss, you\'d find out very quickly that, yes, they look different - but they are literally not the same person.

The way they talk is different, their perception about reality is different, the way they carry themselves and relate to the world is often totally different. They changed\\xa0who they are; not just\\xa0what they do.

The real secret is:\\xa0Weight loss must never be the intended target.

Getting fixated on weight loss will often lead to a series of ups and downs, and a whole distaste for the idea of shedding pounds in the first place.

So, what should the real focus be? If not obsessing over the numbers staring back at you on the scale, what should the intended target be so that you will actually arrive at the health and beauty you deserve?

The intended target must be on\\xa0becoming the type of person that you need to become to have the health and body that you really want.

Health is not something you chase after in hopes that you will capture it one day. Health is something that you attract to yourself by the person that you become.

This is where the real work is, because the scale will look you right in the face and not tell you the whole truth.

Now, how do we do a show talking about a 180-pound weight loss when we don\'t want the focus to be on weight loss?

Well, it\'s pretty easy when you have on a guy like\\xa0Jimmy Moore. He\'s a humble leader (probably too humble to say that he\'s a leader), and someone who knows where the path of weight loss tactics and self-perception intercept. He\'s one of the most gifted people in compiling and sharing health-related information that I\'ve ever met. But, he\'ll be fast to tell you that he\'s not perfect.

He\'s accomplished astonishing feats of weight loss several times, and he\'s arrived at a place that\'s truly inspirational because he now knows that it\'s never been the most important thing.

The most important thing is that you are happy. That you are happy, grateful, and proud of who you are right now. Only that can be a catalyst for long-term happiness and health.

Even though you\'re going to learn some wonderful tactics for physical transformation today, what it\'s really about is having the audacity to take responsibility for your life. Only you have the power to change the course and direction of how your life unfolds. It begins by taking full and complete responsibility for your life, dropping the blame and excuses, and knowing that you have the power to change at any moment that you choose.

In this episode you\'ll discover:

  • How our health practices as an adult get programmed at a very young age.
  • What controversial book helped Jimmy\\xa0lose 180 pounds\\xa0(unbelievable!!!)
  • The truth about low-fat diets and the interesting side effects they have.
  • Why dietary fat is so important.
  • What\\xa0ketosis\\xa0is and how it happens.
  • The big mistake that can happen on\\xa0the Atkins\' Diet that causes people to regain weight.
  • How something called "gluconeogenesis" can stop you from becoming a\\xa0fat-burner.
  • Why you need to find your unique "carb tolerance" and "protein threshold".
  • What type of carbs\\xa0trigger fat storage.
  • A secret about fat-soluble vitamins most people overlook.
  • What types of "healthy fats" you should be eating.
  • What type of olive oil you should NEVER use.
  • The\\xa0healthiest nuts\\xa0that you may not know about.
  • The most amazing tip about weight loss that I\'ve ever heard (thank you Jimmy!)

Items mentioned in this episode include:

*\\\\xa0<== Get your optimal health & performance supplements at 10% off!
*\\xa0Livin\' La Vida Low Carb
* Livin\' La Vida Low Carb Podcast (Apple Podcasts\\xa0/\\xa0Stitcher)
*\\xa0Snickers commercial - Are you a "Diva" when you\'re hungry?
*\\xa0Keto Clarity\\xa0<== Get the book right here!

Click Here to Download the Transcript of Episode 89 (PDF)


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