TMHS 075: Fitness Confidential - With America's Angriest Trainer Vinnie Tortorich #NSNG

Published: Nov. 5, 2014, 7 a.m.


Since its inception, the movie industry has heavily influenced the behavior of our culture. Most notably, Hollywood is unmatched at setting the bar for how we strive towards our health and fitness goals.

What guy wouldn\'t want to swipe the look of Hugh Jackman in X-Men: Days of Future Past? (Minus the bushy sideburns, of course). Chris Evans, Jason Statham, Brad Pitt, and Mark Wahlberg are some notable names that have guys around the world rushing to the gym after a new movie comes out.

For the ladies, Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Biel and many others have inspired women to take their health and fitness more seriously. The interesting thing is that these Hollywood figures, who most people have never actually met, are far more influential than any family member who\'s preaching to you to get in shape.

Hollywood motivates us. It is what it is.

Now, this has given birth to the concept of the "Celebrity Trainer". The individual trusted with the responsibility to bring out the physical best of the people who we all aspire to be like. Considering that it\'s accomplished in a health-giving manner (there are probably more PEDs in Hollywood than in professional sports fyi) these celebrity trainers are often the cream of the crop, and known for getting great results. That\'s where Vinnie Tortorich comes in...

Vinnie has been a Celebrity Trainer since before the title became en vogue. He\'s gotten to where he is, funny enough, by caring more than most other people. He cares about his clients, he cares about doing good work, and he cares about the public at large getting honest information that really works.

Today you\'ll get to learn directly from Vinnie in this fun interview about\\xa0Fitness Confidential, NSNG, endurance sports, and a whole lot more.

In this episode you\'ll discover:

  • What the #1 key to becoming a celebrity trainer really is.
  • How working for free could put you on the\\xa0fast track\\xa0to enormous success and notoriety.
  • The secret behind the outrage of "America\'s Angriest Trainer".
  • What\\xa0NSNG\\xa0is and why it works for health and weight loss.
  • Why sugar causes you to eat\\xa0more sugar.
  • Why diets have a negative association and create separation between people.
  • What endurance athletes are doing to become\\xa0"fat adapted".
  • How to use sugar strategically when you "go hard" in endurance events.
  • What foods to eat and what foods to avoid to make your body start using fat for fuel.
  • What the\\xa0keto flu\\xa0is and how to reduce its impact.
  • Why most multivitamins don\'t work well (and are actually potentially dangerous).

Items mentioned in this episode include:

*\\\\xa0<== Get your optimal health & performance supplements at 10% off!
*\\xa0Boost Your Fat Loss With These 5 Tips For A Healthy Liver - Model Health Podcast
*\\xa0Fitness Confidential: Adventures in the Weight-Loss Game\\xa0by Vinnie Tortorich
* America\'s Angriest Trainer Podcast (Apple Podcasts\\xa0/\\xa0Stitcher)
*\\xa0Getting A Mindset Makeover with Alex Jamieson - Model Health Podcast
*\\xa0Sleep Smarter\\xa0by Shawn Stevenson
*\\xa0Pure Vitamin Club

Click Here to Download the Transcript of Episode 75 (PDF)


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