TMHS 065: How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence And Transform Your Relationships - With Jordan Harbinger

Published: Aug. 20, 2014, 10 a.m.


Do you consider yourself an intelligent person? What about an\\xa0emotionally\\xa0intelligent person?

Your answer to the first question better be, "Yes!" (you\'re reading this empowering information aren\'t you... sheesh). Your answer to the second question better be a stronger, "Yes!" or at least, "I\'m definitely working on it."

What is emotional intelligence, and why is it important?

Emotional intelligence encompasses so much that it\'s impossible to drill it down into a simple meaning. Rather, I\'ll share with you two of the most profound components of it.

Emotional intelligence is being able to feel how you want, when you want, and to guide your own behavior accordingly (that\'s part one).

Emotional intelligence is being able to monitor other people\'s emotions, and to utilize that emotional data to influence and navigate relationships (that\'s part two, and it\'s definitely in the secret sauce).

We are often indoctrinated with the belief that the environment will dictate how we feel. We live in constant reaction mode because no one has ever sat us down to train us on developing our emotional software.

Our guest today says that, "Your\\xa0beliefs\\xa0influence your\\xa0actions\\xa0which influence your\\xa0results." It\'s your beliefs that are at the core of this thing, and it\'s up to you to learn how to change them.

Our guest today is Jordan Harbinger from\\xa0The Art Of Charm. He\'s one of the leaders in the field of emotional intelligence, and even\\xa0more so he\'s a leader in teaching its practical application.

Today you\'re going to learn how to start to wire yourself for greater confidence, more happiness, and greater success by upgrading your emotional software.

In this episode you\'ll discover:

  • What really determines your "outer world" actions.
  • Why we need to develop\\xa0emotional intelligence\\xa0in our relationships and in our work.
  • Why most people think that\\xa0attractive personality traits\\xa0are natural (when they\'re actually learned).
  • How being good with people can fast track you in your health, relationships, and career.
  • Why\\xa0boosting your attraction\\xa0is more of a subtractive process than an additive process.
  • How going through the situation you\'re afraid of (in practice) can help you overcome it.
  • The truth about your "inner dialogue".
  • Why\\xa0your first impression\\xa0isn\'t always made when you want to make it (this is crucial!)
  • A powerful drill you can do to habitually\\xa0boost your confidence.
  • How to improve your eye contact to establish better rapport (this is deeper than you think!)
  • What the\\xa0most influential factor\\xa0in your health, well-being, and success in life really is.
  • What emotional intelligence is and how it can play out in your life.
  • Why habits are far more important than results.
  • How\\xa0mirror neurons\\xa0in our brain influence our emotional intelligence.
  • Why consciously using\\xa0acknowledgement\\xa0can help anchor in desired habits.
  • A game-changing practice you can apply today to be more of an emotionally intelligent person.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

*\\xa0The Art of Charm Podcast
*\\xa0The Art of Charm Podcast - Interview featuring Shawn Stevenson
*\\xa0Dr. Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence - Video


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