TMHS 048: You Can't Touch This! The Benefits Of Massage Outweigh Medication

Published: April 23, 2014, 12:30 p.m.


In this episode of\\xa0The Model Health Show\\xa0we\'re looking at the many benefits of massage therapy. Massage has been clinically proven to help reduce depression and anxiety, improve hormone function, and boost the immune system. There are very few treatments that have such a wide array of benefits, and the history of massage itself may surprise you.

Massage therapy is documented in some of the most storied ancient traditions (which you\'ll learn about today). Yet, even though it has a rich history, and it\'s clinically proven to be effective, massage has it fallen out of practice in modern medicine. Today you\'re going to understand why, and how massage is making a huge comeback in treatment for health and wellness.

There are many forms and "styles" of massage to choose from. I\'ve personally experienced deep tissue massage, Thai massage, reflexology, sports massage, Swedish massage, and even massage derived from Ayurveda. They all have unique aspects, but they all provide tremendous value when administered by a trained massage therapist.

If you haven\'t gotten a massage for a while, this show is definitely going to inspire you to take that extra care of yourself, and make massage therapy a more consistent part of your life.

In this episode you\'ll discover:

  • The surprising percentage of people who get massages.
  • Why you need to pay attention to the\\xa0oils and lotions\\xa0you put on your skin.
  • Which\\xa0ancient cultures\\xa0utilized massage as a cornerstone of health.
  • What Hippocrates, the "father of modern medicine", had to say about massage.
  • Why massage has been pulled out of\\xa0hospitals\\xa0and replaced by medication.
  • The different bodily systems that massage can help.
  • What "feel good hormone" is instantly increased when touched by another person.
  • Why massage is far better for localizing treatment than drugs are.
  • How massage assists\\xa0systemic healing\\xa0too.
  • The incredible clinical studies that show the benefits of massage.
  • The impact that massage has on hormone and immune function.
  • How massage intelligently affects\\xa0inflammation.
  • A surprising study showing how massage compares to drugs for pain and functionality.
  • When the\\xa0best time\\xa0to get a massage is if you workout.
  • The incredible impact massage has on\\xa0infants and premature babies.
  • The dangers of taking\\xa0antibiotics\\xa0haphazardly.
  • What some of the best forms of massage are.
  • What the benefits of\\xa0deep tissue\\xa0massage are (and my Karate Man story).
  • How often you are recommended to get a massage.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

*\\xa0Cancer Truth With Ty Bollinger - Podcast

*\\xa0Improve your digestion, assimilation, and elimination - Podcast

*\\xa0How stress can make us fat, dumb, and unhappy - Podcast

*\\xa0A healthy lifestyle you can stomach - Video


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