TMHS 025: How To Stop Sugar Cravings (Without Getting A Sweet Tooth Root Canal)

Published: Nov. 6, 2013, 1 p.m.


In this episode we dive into the wide, wide world of sugar addiction, craving unhealthy foods, and gold-plated sweet tooth smiles. Do you have "issues" with craving sweets or other unhealthy foods? Do you find yourself eating foods that you KNOW are bad for you and end up feeling guilty afterward? Well, if this is you, then this is the most important show you\'ll ever hear!

Look, I\'m not trying to teach you how to\\xa0control\\xa0sugar cravings, I\'m teaching you how to\\xa0stop\\xa0sugar cravings dead in their tracks. Sweets, sugar, and carbs in general, are the main driver of your body\'s fat-storing hormone insulin. If you don\'t have your sugar cravings in order, then you\'re going to have a one-way ticket to unwanted fat deposited in places that you really won\'t like.

You CAN beat this. And you don\'t have to do a fancy sugar detox either. You just need to have the right tools and strategy at your disposal to take back control of your mind, body, and health for good. Now let\'s get to it!

In this episode you\'ll discover:

  • Why using your "will power" will never work to stop craving sugar.
  • The hormone that\\xa0shuts down\\xa0your appetite and helps you to stop food cravings.
  • Where the "satiety hormone" get produced in your body (this will surprise you).
  • The gland in your brain that regulates your\\xa0calorie intake.
  • What your different types of fat tissue are (the good and the not-so-good).
  • How\\xa0sugar addiction\\xa0can disrupt your body\'s hunger and satiety hormones.
  • What type of foods hyper-stimulate your appetite (making it impossible to stop sugar cravings).
  • What the "hunger hormone" actually is.
  • The proven impact that sleep has on food cravings.
  • Why\\xa0emotional stress\\xa0influences our "sweet tooth".
  • The affect that exercise has on insulin and leptin sensitivity.
  • The #1 reason for chronic overeating (this is CRITICAL!)
  • How\\xa0breakfast\\xa0can set you up for a day of overeating.
  • How to\\xa0stop sugar cravings\\xa0by eating a special category of foods.
  • Why carbohydrates of any kind can cause problems for some people (my date story).
  • What is candida and the shocking impact that candida has on sugar cravings.
  • How the\\xa0bacteria\\xa0in your body determine your food cravings.
  • How to naturally eliminate candida (3 important steps).
  • The\\xa04 keys\\xa0to improving leptin sensitivity and break the addiction to sugar.
  • How to fight sugar cravings with a special type of exercise.
  • The\\xa0#1 type of food\\xa0to eat to stop sugar cravings.
  • Why you should never say you have a "sweet tooth" again.
  • What some\\xa0smart alternatives\\xa0are to "treat yourself" with.
  • How knowing your metabolic type can help determine the best foods for you.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

*\\xa021 Ways To Cure Your Sleep Problems (Part 1) - Podcast

*\\xa0Eat Like A Dinosaur - Podcast

*\\xa0The Fat Loss Code

*\\xa0The Key to Quantum Health

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