Noah PInes talks about Eversting 29029 and his love of rescue dogs.

Published: July 2, 2021, 5 a.m.

Born in Havertown PA.  Grew up playing ice hockey .   Was an okay student until HS and then “figured it out.”  Attended college and law school at Emory University in Atlanta.

Spent 7.5 years as a prosecutor in Atlanta before I joined a buddy, started a firm, and became a criminal defense lawyer (where I mostly handle “messy” cases).  Have been practicing law for 26 years.

Been married for 22 years to my wife Jen, who also completed 29029.  We have a 20 year old son, a 17 year old daughter, a 12 year old rescues Toy Poodle, a 6 year old rescue mutt, a 3 year old rescue cat (with a limp), a 1.5 year old Golden Retriever grand-dog (my son’s dog), and our newest addition-Remi-our China rescue dog, who we got through Adopt a Golden Atlanta.

Golden Retrievers have always held a special spot in my heart and Remi is my 3rd Golden.

I helped coach my kids when they were young (basketball, baseball, and hockey) and have always been involved in their activities.

Since I was a teenager, I’ve been pretty active in sports or working out, but never ran a mile until I was 40.

Noah H. Pines,     ROSS & PINES, LLC 

FB-Noah Pines