Peter Dunne slams Trevor Mallard's conduct following parliament tie stoush

Published: Feb. 10, 2021, 8:55 p.m.

Ties are no longer deemed essential attire for Parliament.
A Standing Orders Committee meeting last night on the matter didn't reach a consensus, but the majority was in favour to remove ties.
Speaker Trevor Mallard says he's guided by the committee's decision, and ties will no longer be deemed appropriate business attire for men.
It follows a dress code stoush between him and Maori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi, which saw Waititi kicked out of the debating chamber for not wearing a tie.
Former United Future leader Peter Dunne told Mike Hosking the Speaker has badly mishandled the situation.
"Trevor Mallard has made a pigs breakfast of the whole thing. He was over the top from the very beginning, he has made a mountain out of a molehill."