Nick Bryant: Joe Biden's campaign has been heavy on empathy

Published: Nov. 3, 2020, 8:43 p.m.

It's unclear whether Republicans will turn out in big enough numbers today to sway the US election Donald Trump's way.
A hundred and two million people voted early in America, while final ballots are being cast today.
US correspondent Nick Bryant says large numbers have pre-voted in Texas, a state that hasn't gone Democrat since 1976.
He told Mike Hosking that generally means a lot of minorities and young people have voted.
Bryant says more Democrats seem to have voted so far.
He says Republicans tend to like voting in person but it's not clear whether than will happen in sufficient numbers today.
He says an important part of Biden's campaign has been saying he has the empathy to understand people who are suffering and have seen relatives die. Biden lost his son to cancer a few years back.
The Democratic presidential candidate started the day by attending mass and visiting his son's grave.
Bryant says it's also significant Biden is in Pennsylvania, because it's such a key state in the election.