Mike's Minute: We must challenge the Government to be proactive

Published: Sept. 7, 2020, 10:29 p.m.

I asked the Prime Minister about the All Blacks yesterday to hold her to account.
Why? Because they are not proactive, they have not been remotely proactive enough in areas that could genuinely benefit this country as a result of its so-called success against Covid. What's the point in locking the world out and reducing the virus to a handful of cases if you can't then, while under the policy of elimination, take advantage of what we have achieved.
The price, which has been talked of so many times, is economic disaster.
But surely if there is a light, it's events like test rugby. Or as Queensland has found out, the AFL. Or as we have started to dabble in, some film work and the America's Cup.
The headlines generated throughout the media yesterday as a result of our question, I hope place enough pressure on the government that the cancel culture they’ve indulged in so far is coming to an end and a change of attitude will prevail.
But we have to keep the pressure on. The Youth America's Cup is gone, and the Women's Cricket World Cup has been postponed by the International Cricket Council. Why? I have no idea, other than attitude.
Under the the simple heading of, "where there is a will there is a way" these are the sort of events we could have forged on with. Isolation is doable, the bill can be covered, and the organisational expertise is easy.
Once you have these people here and through quarantine it means they are safe, the problem is solved, and we can get on with it.
None of these events requires thousands of people. And as the government keep reminding us, if they actually manage to secure the border and sort the testing, we can resume level 1. Level 1 is crowds and crowds pay the bills, something even the Australians are still limited with.
The welfare blinkers they’ve had on are sending us broke. So, any form of revenue generation should be pursued, pushed, and enacted as quickly and as often as we can. Not to mention the psychological lift of watching our greatest sporting export success ply their trade.
Have we not, given all our sacrifice and the government's endless trumpeting of our Covid success, earned the right to explore the upside of where we find ourselves?
A little entrepreneurial spirit, a willing desire and a can-do attitude is not a lot to ask. Why make it hard when it doesn’t have to be?