Mike's Minute: Donald Trump won't be back in 2024

Published: Nov. 12, 2020, 8:38 p.m.

This week has been another good insight or lesson into the mindset of some, who even when faced with overwhelming evidence, do not want to see what's there.
There are still a decent number of people here, certainly in the States, and I am guessing around the world that believe Donald Trump got robbed. The fact we are having increasing numbers of court cases tossed out, I assume, whittles the numbers.
The fact the poll yesterday had 80 percent of Americans believing Joe Biden was the winner moves the needle as well. But there are those who are convinced, and social media and YouTube haven't helped, that there is scandal to be had, and it needs outing. The fact the result now isn't actually even that close makes it even weirder.
It's not like this was a majority vote and in a count of 150 million votes Biden won by 212, or Biden won by a single electoral vote in one state and we want a recount, he's actually won by quite a lot. The result isn't going to get changed.
The even odder thing, is the people who refuse to see reality are, of course, influenced by the bloke who still doesn’t see it himself.
As each day passes, it's going to get more humiliating. Literally, how long do you dig in for before at some point you're going to actually have to pack a bag and naff off? And you might actually have to say something publicly.
The Republicans aren't helping by standing alongside Trump in his lawful right to check proceedings. They're legit, but they're confusing a constitutional right with a belligerent President who somehow thinks if he hangs out in court long enough things are going to go his way.
Having predicted his loss, let me make another prediction.
He won't be back.
The idea that 70 million plus voted for you is real, it's not to be underestimated, but this theory he will run in 2024 is not real. Increasingly, Trump is a time and place anathema. His broad belief about America will still be the belief of many, but he was a lightning rod, not a figure of historic change.
Guys like him come and go, you seize the moment, and he did. But when the moment passes, which it has, you can't reheat it.
He already looks stale, and it's barely two weeks since the vote.