Jacinda Ardern on trans-Tasman bubble: 'A lot still to sort'

Published: Sept. 27, 2020, 7:11 p.m.

A trans-Tasman bubble between New Zealand and New South Wales could be open within weeks according to reports out of Australia.
With both areas involved currently battling Covid-019 outbreaks, trips would reportedly only be open to Kiwis from the South Island to start with.
But Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is not promising anything, and says they are still seeking assurances from Australia.
Reports also say New Zealand may also be opened to residents of some Australian states before Christmas.

The Prime Minister told Mike Hosking the Government wants to make sure any travel bubble excludes states that still have Covid 19, like Victoria.

"We need to make sure they've got a firm border between Victoria and those states from which you are opening up travel. Then you've need to make sure that you've got routes that do no have transit passengers on them."