Graeme Muller: National receives support for $1.29 billion plan to double New Zealand's technology sector

Published: Sept. 22, 2020, 12:35 a.m.

Support for National's plan to make the tech sector bigger than dairy.
The policy includes creating 100,000 jobs, increasing tech exports to $16 billion dollars per annum, creating tech visas and scholarships, and introducing a Minister for Technology.
It is pledging to do this by ensuring 90 per cent of households have uncapped ultra-fast broadband, introducing a fast-track technology skills visa, creating a Minister for Technology and offering 1000 tertiary scholarships a year for science-focused degrees.
Tech Industry Association boss Graeme Muller told Mike Hosking they've wanted an E-Minister for a very long time.
"We currently brief about eight ministers, so having a central coordinator should help the government avoid doubling up or missing out."