Dr Raymond Xia: Study reveals key to getting more people scanning the Covid Tracer app

Published: Jan. 25, 2021, 8:22 p.m.

Trust - but not toughness - could be key to getting more Kiwis to scan in when visiting their local pubs and cafes, new research suggests.
While the latest community case of Covid-19 has prompted a reported surge in people using the NZ Covid Tracer app, uptake and usage of the vital tool has been otherwise woeful.
On Saturday - a day before news of the new case broke - some 286,646 people scanned at least one QR code poster, despite there being more than two million registered users.
Now, in a just-published collaborative study, University of Otago researchers have pinpointed what could be the key for restaurants, cafes, and bars to encourage customer uptake.
"Appealing to customers' brains rather than their hearts can increase the effectiveness of contact tracing as people are more likely to participate," study co-author Dr Raymond Xia said.
"Essentially – if a customer is confident in the establishment and their contact tracing system, they are more likely to provide their details.
"In establishments where there is scepticism over the establishment or the contact tracing system, then buy-in decreases."
With contact tracing systems being critical in limiting any potential community spread of Covid-19, their effectiveness was diminished if people were reluctant to use them.
Xia, a specialist in marketing, consumer behaviour and methodology, said venues needed to be careful with using "relationship tactics" to acquire personal information.
"Instead, venues need to demonstrate professionalism, competence, and reliability through a good data protection policy, strong data collection ethics, and by gaining popularity," he said.
"Customers are more likely to participate if they see venues show genuine concern for public safety, rather than profit."
He said this could be done through clear and concise signage that used language such as "let's all beat the virus together", rather than "you must sign in or you will not be served".
The study also explored how the Government could encourage people to co-operate with contact tracing at hospitality venues through strong data protection policy and regulation.
Its findings showed people felt safer to disclose truthful information for contact tracing if they had faith in their government's policies and practices.
Experts have renewed calls for Kiwis to be vigilant about using the NZ Covid Tracer app, and follow the example set by the latest case herself.
"What we have to remember, is that we should be doing everything we can to make the contact tracing team's job easier," University of Auckland infectious diseases expert Professor Siouxsie Wiles said.
"We can do that by making a habit of using the Covid Tracer App and having Bluetooth turned on. Can you remember everywhere you have been over the last 10 days, and when?
"I know I can't, which is why I've got myself trained to use the app wherever I go."
Wiles said she'd like to see all businesses helping to make QR code scanning easier by reminding people to scan as they paid for good and services - and putting the QR codes up several different places around their premises.
"This is a habit we will need for the next year, so let's develop it now rather than just scanning when we hear of a case outside of MIQ."
Data expert Dr Andrew Chen noted how all modelling suggested time-to-isolation was the strongest factor in keeping an outbreak under control.
"But we should also remember that the app is only one layer of defence in our response to Covid-19," said Chen, a researcher at University of Auckland-based Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures.
"If you are showing symptoms, get a test and don't go to work.
"If you have no symptoms, wash your hands, wear a mask when you can, and keep records of where you have been and who you have been near, preferably with NZ Covid Tracer and Bluetooth Tracing."