Dr Nick Matzke: Science denialism and Covid-19 conspiracy theories spread in religious communities

Published: Sept. 10, 2020, 9:29 p.m.

A warning that as life moves increasingly online, everyone is susceptible to conspiracy theories.
A virus sub-cluster in Auckland has been linked to Mt Roskill's Evangelical Fellowship Church.
There have been reports online misinformation has led some followers astray, making them doubt the science of Covid.
Auckland University researcher Dr Nick Matzke says science denialism is not restricted to faith-based groups.
But he told Mike Hosking it does have close links with some religion, and is often found online.
"There's a tradition, especially among American evangelicals who are anti-science, and that may be going on here in New Zealand."
Dr Nick Matzke says everyone today is susceptible to conspiracy theories.
"Depending on your political point of view, people who you oppose you can think suspicious things about them,  and there's plenty of that going on in religious communities as well as everywhere else."