Andrew Little: Government establishes $150 million investment fund for country's largest iwi

Published: Feb. 2, 2021, 8:58 p.m.

An investment fund's been labelled a 'halfway house' to settlement between Ngapuhi and the Crown.
The Government's investing $150 million into creating a new Crown company to grow a portfolio of assets that can be offered during negotiations.
Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little says it stems from there being land for sale a few years ago.
But he told Mike Hosking no hapu had the means to up the opportunities, and iwi outside of Northland were looking at investing.
Little says that experience showed him there needed to be assets available to give back to the iwi when they reach agreement.
Little says it's something of a halfway house before a settlement is reached.
"There needs to be assets available to give back to the iwi when an agreement's reached, because land has been land for sale in recent years."