Published: Jan. 9, 2011, 11 p.m.

b'In a relationship, just cause you look a certain way, your status meets a certain criteria, or you do certain things for your partner such as fixing a bologna sandwich and french fries, making some good Kool-aid, etc ...YOU THINK YOU DESERVE ALL THIS??? People get comfortable,lazy, and complacent in relationships and feel they deserve what they are getting out of the relationship. But are you giving back to the relationship? Why do some women feel that just because they give a man sex, they do not have to bring anything else in the relationship? Also, do women feel that their bedroom tricks opts them out of having to have other attributes such as cooking, cleaning, and having a JOB? Women with the "I am a Princess/Queen Syndrome", should we blame them or their fathers for this attitude? What makes a woman a queen, and Why? Let you voice be heard!!!!! Call in Ladies!!!!'