7. What do Models know? Brandon is here to set us straight! Part 1 of 4

Published: May 30, 2017, 5 a.m.

What happens when you place a Male Model, midst of a group of middle aged nerds? We talk comic cons, movies and video games! Brandon, decides to slum it with us while Chris is a way enjoying life. We didn’t expect Brandon to be so deep into Nerdom, looks definitely where deceiving. Brandon is a treasure trove maybe a renaissance man!!! We talk about pre ordering video games, what we like and don’t about it. We discuss that PS4 is better though sadly not for long with Scorpio coming out, but hey I’m not worried. Why? Because when the Sega Dreamcast came out it was the best console on the market at the time but in no time at it was dead and Sega quit the console race. RIP Dreamcast 1999-2001 :_( So here’s hoping that the Halo series will come to sony and save it from 343i who are wrecking the story. Gameplay has gotten better, Kudos to 343i but story has tanked AND MAYBE one day Nintendo will tank and Zelda will come to PS4 and we can finally get a Zelda + Dark Souls+Skyrim smash up. Rolling your eyes? Think about it, Zelda characters with Dark Souls mechanics in a open living world of Skyrim! What do you think? I wanna hear, tweet me @middleagednerds, email at middleagednerdsshow@gmail.com or look us on facebook. Here is some Turok gameplay on N64 https://youtu.be/RRyBadLUwOA